Top 3 Reasons Why Travel Makes the Perfect Gift

Ah, gift giving. Some people are naturally great at it (hello, my sister-in-law!) and some people are just a bit hopeless. While I identify more with the latter, we here at Mountain Path Meadows have unearthed a revolutionary discovery: Gift vouchers for accommodations make the perfect gift!

Why, you ask? Well, let us count the ways!

  1. It’s one-size-fits-all. No more awkward questions asking about clothing sizes, or making assumptions that result in a too-small jumper or too-big t-shirt (and an insulted gift recipient). Giving the gift of travel or a secluded stay immersed in nature is a perfect fit for all the loved ones in your life. We even have a generous king-size Eva mattress, so if your giftee is on the taller side (like us!) they’ll have plenty of room to stretch out. (All that said, if you are looking for a bit of clothing to purchase as a present, why not try our new unisex logo jumper?)

  2. It’s eco-friendly AF. Let’s be honest — so many gifts end up sitting around collecting dust, don’t they? Whether it’s because they’re just not “us” or we have no use for them, gift-giving can be a wasteful affair. (Don’t even get us started on re-gifting!) But not anymore! By choosing an accommodations gift voucher, you’re guaranteed not to generate any waste…heck, you don’t even have to wrap it up! Not to mention, if you choose Mountain Path Meadows as your destination, you can rest assured that we’re sustainable, off-grid and eco-friendly.

  3. It’s an activity you can do together that creates a memory. More and more, people are ditching material things in favour of experiences. It’s no wonder why — a 2020 study found that people were happier after spending their money on experiences versus material possessions. By purchasing a gift voucher to Mountain Path Meadows, you create the opportunity to do something with your gift recipient, thereby creating lifelong memories. Come visit us, drop your bags in the dome, walk up world renowned Parreen (Mount Schank), take a dip in Little Blue, and rest your heads on our King Size Eva mattress and luxurious Bed Threads linens. Trust us, you’ll never forget these #volcanovibes.

It’s been said that travel is the only thing you spend money on that makes you richer. We couldn’t agree more. Have we sold you, too? If so, purchase your gift voucher now, or go straight to Airbnb and book your stay away (with your bae?) And don’t forget to let us know on our socials which reasons we missed that make travel a phenomenal gift.


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